Page 7 - Vauni Catalogue 2020
P. 7

The Vauni Story

            ”Why isn’t there a fireplace that is                But that wasn’t enough for us. Safety is, of
            beautiful to look at, flueless, eco-                course, everything when you are designing
            friendly and simple to install and                  with fire – your own safety and that of the
            use?” Sören Sjölander (professor                    planet. Only the safest solutions on the
                                                                market are incorporated into our designs.
            emeritus of innovation engineering                  Vauni’s burners actually absorb the fuel and
            at Chalmers University of                           keep it in place. Bioethanol is slow to burn
            Technology) asked himself when                      off because only the fuel vapours burn,
            moving from a house to an                           meaning Vauni’s products are ideal for use in
            apartment and discovering that he                   the home and on yachts and houseboats, for
            couldn’t install a traditional wood-                example.
            burning fireplace.                                  Our bioethanol fireplaces provide heat in a

                                                                modern, eco-friendly way. The combustion
            If what you want doesn’t already exist, then        process is completely clean and only small
            you just have to invent it. The first Vauni         amounts of carbon dioxide and water vapour
            prototype was developed with designer               are produced – just like in the air we exhale.
            Markus Grip in connection with his degree
            project at the Academy of Design and Crafts
            at University of Gothenburg. This combined
            the best of both worlds: cutting-edge
            aesthetics and technical innovation.

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